6월, 2012의 게시물 표시

2012 년 ANS 외국인 학교 졸업식 기도

2012년 ANS 외국인 고등학교 졸업식의 마지막 기도를 썼다. 오늘 졸업식이 있다. 졸업식의 처음은 구교의 신부님의 기도로 시작하고, 마지막은 신교의 목사님의 기도로 마친다. 한미경 선교사가 학교에서 봉직하는 관계로 매년 졸업 마지막 기도를 맡고 있다. O Almighty God, We are grateful to You as we celebrate our commencement. We thank You for our life, for our family’s support, and for the teachers’ dedication. We thank You most for your love. You have blessed us with life, health, protection, and abundance. With all these blessings from you, we have come to this day of graduation. Therefore we thank you! As our graduates end a chapter of life, Help them understand that they need you once again for their new beginning. Give them wisdom to know your divine purpose for their life lest they live aimlessly Give them humility to accept everything as gifts in their lives lest they live joylessly Give them kindness to show love to others and to nature lest they live destructively And give them courage to follow their passions lest they live half-heartedly. More than anything, may ...