단기 선교를 마치고 - 마커스 리웅
Back at home. Comfortable. Running water, electricity, no longer a need for heavy bug spray and sunscreen. Comfortable. Tomorrow I will not need to wake up to a day of body breaking labor under 90 degree sun rays and 95 percent humidity. No drenching sweat. My jeans do not stick to me like a wet napkin. No cement in my hair, blisters on the palms of my hand, and dirt blackening my body. When I am thirsty, I will drink, and when I am hungry, I will eat. I have the leisure to turn on my TV or browse the internet when I am bored. I watch sports, food networks and sitcoms. Just days ago, I was watching the rain soak a newly cemented wall in a homeless clinic and dirt loosened, to floor a church, turn into mud. Just yesterday I was watching a dear friend wash the feet of a drug addict. My team and I spent our first days in Managua, Nicaragua. Later in the week we went to Chinandega, and returned to Managua for our final days. I could sit here and try to find thesaurus-insp...